Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Mirror

You provide a reflection for my heart.
You stand so bright and shining, brilliant.
Is it possible to reflect,
to refract without you there?
Do I have a face without your face to mirror mine?

I am nothing without you.
I have no color, no verbs or history without you.
If you are not here, how will I shine?
You are the yang to my yin, without you I have
no reflection.

I glimpse inside the looking glass of your face.
Your heart is bright blue, like the sky,
and I am blue, like the ocean, blue because you
are blue. We are mirrors, we bend the light around
us. We are refracting our insides over and over.

You are a mirror.
You stand so straight and beautiful.
Is it possible to exist,
to be without you there?
Do I have a face without your face to be a mirror?

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