Friday, August 31, 2012

Rivers of Blood

Rivers of blood flow down to the mouth of death. He drinks
it all in and won't give it back. A broken body covered in a
riddle of scars, rivers of blood flow.

Rivers of blood flow amongst dead leaves and crystal snow.
A broken body covered in a riddle of scars, rivers of
blood flow.

Rivers of blood flow, death's sweet covering. Rest only
everlasting. A broken soul clothed in riddles of scars,
rivers of blood flow.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Suicide Trilogy: Part III

   I'm disappearing, fading away.
Curling into the quiet black surrounding
me. Fear is like a winter coat I'm
unable to put away. Even my
skin shrinks away from my touch.
You're hurting me, killing me
slowly. I want to die now, let
me go!
   I'm disappearing, fading away.
Clinging to the last strand of life.
Blood is flowing out, no way to
stop it. Nothing I do will
stop the crimson flow. I'm
screaming, "Someone save me,"
but you can't help. I did it to
myself, I killed myself.
   I'm disappearing, fading away.
Slipping further and further into
my grave. You kiss my lips, but
death won't let me feel it. I
try to grasp your arm, but I
can't feel anything. your tears
caress my chilled skin, my blood
caresses your fingertips.
   I've disappeared, faded into oblivion.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Suicide Trilogy: Part II

   The sun is shining through the trees.
I can't feel anything. Nothing is moving.
I can't move at all. I think I am
dead. I see my reflection in a dim
mirror. My feet don't touch the
ground, my face is twisted, a rope
about my neck. My eyes are closed,
my face is pale, now I know I'm gone.
   Suddenly, the reflection changes. I see
pain filled eyes, tired hands and weary
feet. I replay my actions in my head. I'm
so desperate, maybe even selfish. I want
the pain to stop, the emptiness to go away,
a flood of relief to sweep over me.
   I slip my head through the rope's
loop. Tears flow from my soul as I
kick the chair out from under me. For
a few moments, I'm suspended, in more
pain than before. Everything is going
black now, the last thing I see is my
still form. I think I'm free.
   The sun is shining through the
trees, but I don't see it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Suicide Trilogy: Part I

   Pain, swirling, hurting, dreadful, terrifying, pain. No way
to end it. I can't find the path out! Where is the light at
the end of the tunnel? Where is my rescuer? What else
is there to do? I can't get help, I don't know where to
find help. What else can I do?
   Swinging. Swinging. From a pole hangs a still
figure. The life is gone, his breath, his spirit, his soul,
gone. One of the Lost.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Glimpse

*Inspired by me whirling a glow-stick above my head in the dark.

   Wanting to touch it, yet daring not. An endless tunnel of time. The blue light spins ever faster, glowing brightly, leading the way to my future, my endless time.
   Glowing in the stillness of the night, putting the stars to shame. Twinkling through the past, shining through today, burning through forever. A burning kiss on my lips, gasping at the intensity. A glowing light, a candle in the frigid night.
   A gaping, never-ending, ring of light. Sending a shower of light on my bed, shattering my peaceful sleep. A chasm of the future.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Vanity Olden

   Vanity, olden days you are.
   Prepare a place and lay to
rest, you are dead and gone
to bed.
   You are lost and I am glad.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Whispers in the Wind

   The wind eagerly whips through the trees, bending their knees to it's will. Each tree, flower and weed bow to the power of the wind.
   Each leaf, on every branch, dances to the music the wind plays for it. First lowly, then faster and faster.
   A lone voice singing in the quiet of night. A soft lullaby, quietly singing everything to sleep.
   Someone whispers into the wind and listens as it carries that whisper through valleys and across mountains.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Dance in the Dark

   Shadows dance through the silvery wood on soft, silent feet. The moon watches them through the trees, her light shining on the silver wood.
   September's tarantella has begun. The shadows leap about, the diamond stars smile, and the diamond leaves dance on the gentle breeze.
   Hopes rise as the dance begins. Fears vanish and screams cease. Kisses and promises made in the dark, stolen moments taken in the peace of the wood. Lost chances are renewed in this one moment.
   Shadows dance through the silvery wood on soft, silent feet.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Poem for the Dead

   In the universe that hid in the darkness of your eyes,
In the solemn light of your smile, the tender touch of your spirit to mine;
I slipped into a dreamless sleep.
   You were a Grecian goddess, one more lovely than Venus in her prime.
Cloaked in ivory skin and a dress of deepest crimson,
you faded from my sight, faded into blackest nights far from my arms.
Remain in my heart a little longer, dearest muse and forever
remain the only love I have ever known

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Depths of Eternity: Part II

   Adrift in a sea of depression.
The whirlwind of despair.
   I quiver and shake with fear
and deep sorrow.
   All time is lost, all battles cease, yet
the war continues pounding hideous music in my head.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Depths of Eternity: Part I

   Star Crossed time, breathing down my neck, unto
the depths of eternity.
   Sweet influences of time, straining, rushing, reaching for
something unknown. Unless it be known to any on Earth.
   Sorrow cuts like a knife. Pain bursts apart an already
torn heart. Souls lose their ways.
   Adrift in a sea of depression, the whirlwind of despair. I
quiver with sorrow and shake with fear.
   All time is lost, all battles cease, yet, the war keeps
raging in my head.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Us?

   You're black and I'm white.
They say "us", together, isn't right.
   They threaten us and scream.
Maybe, one day, they'll run out of steam.
   Your eyes are brown, mine are blue.
They don't see what I see in you.
   All they see is your skin and color.
All I see is your love and valor.
   We stand under a lot of abuse.
Sometimes we wonder, what's the use?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Poem about Love

   Confusing, heart-wrenching,
   Confusing 'cause you never
can tell. Heart-wrenching  when
they don't love you. Mind-boggling
when they do.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mismatch Poem

   I loved you, love me!
   Let me breathe fire from
deep in my soul. Soulfire and light.
   Sweep love aside, for
the stars never burned so brightly
as when a broken heart cried.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Electric Night

   Electric night. I see dark clouds and hot blue lightning. A moon peeking from behind a tree. You can see the pinpoints of electric activity. Your hair stands on end, because of the electric charge.
   Everything you touch shocks you. Trees catch fire and spreads until the whole night is alive with activity and heat. The electricity spreads through the muscles and into the eyes. They burn bright even when all the rest is washed away. Electric night means intensity. Alive and unchallenged, like the ocean, like the lightning.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Like an Ocean

   Like the ocean's waves pounding on the shore, so my heart beats furiously within me. It sighs, sobs and cries out for love, but never receives what it needs.
   It crashes and wails and breaks apart when it hits the shore. Collapsing under its own weight. Galloping like furious horses to the end of the race.
   Stars crash and fall, colliding with the cold and salty depths, pulsating to the bottom. The beat of the heart within, breaking the icy bonds.
   A prison made of blood and bone encasing the pulsating heart within the still chest. No life, no breath, no beat. Just the stillness of tomorrow and the terror of yesterday.
   A time of sudden immersion in one's own mind and body. Collapsing within oneself, never to return. The pulsating of the music growing ever louder in my brain.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Day in Paradise

   Yelling, screaming, cussing, fists flying. Just another day in Paradise. The kids hide behind the couch while Mama and Daddy yell.
   Daddy smacks Mama and she hits him with a glass bottle. The glass breaks with the force, sending shards of beer bottle glass to the floor.
   Mama tells him to get out and Daddy screams back. Then he grabs his beer and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
   The kids cower behind the couch and listen as Mama screams at the door. She falls to the floor and takes a sip out of her bottle.
   Yelling, screaming, cussing, beer swigging, drug dealing. Just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


   Eyes open slowly, revealing an emptying black abyss
which swallows all thought and feeling. Flames spring from
the depths and reach fiery fingers to grasp your heart.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Life Song

   We are born...
   Then we die.
   We live life for a moment and then it is gone. It is but a breath. A breath drawn quickly from the depths of the innermost recesses of a being.
   A flower at the beginning of summer, fading toward the end of fall.
   Life is a book. It is open, then it is closed.
   A bright light that goes out with a small breath of air. A tree that grows overnight, then is cut down. A slice of cake that is gone in a single bite.
   Life is a song. It swells and grows, then fades at the end of the music.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


   I'm here all alone, waiting for something better, hoping it won't be long. Something much better than this. My identity is gone. I don't know who I am anymore. My hopes along with my identity. Eternity won't be long coming. Lost and alone. Fearing the dark of night.
   Haunted by demons and tormented by my fears. Ever alone, trapped in my head. No escape, no help. Trapped. What happens If I don't escape? I'm becoming more desperate with every word I write.
   With my last breath I cry for help. No one hears me as I sink into my eternal resting place.
   I'm here all alone, waiting for something better, hoping it won't be long. Something much better than this. My identity is gone. I don't know who I am anymore. My hopes along with my identity. Eternity won't be long coming. Lost and alone, fearing the dark of night.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Shattered Peace

   Flames flash through the night, bright against the violent darkness. The moon looks down and sees the sparks fly on the winds of the west. Blue spreads through the sky, orange spikes the stars. Red douses the silver moon, tears of blood fall into the continuous yellow of the flames.
   Diamonds fall in meteor showers. Rain begins to fall. Calm is replaced with violent eruptions of fire. Ghostly lights grab onto the tears and fall.

Friday, August 10, 2012

So Lonely

   I just want to be loved. Is that too much to ask? Will someone
please save me from this place? Don't let me rot here!
   Help me! Get me away from here. I'm drowning in this stagnant
pool! When will love find me? When will I breakaway from here?
   If I run, where will I go? I'm dying, but I can't escape. The
walls are closing in on me, help me! I wish I was dead!
   I'm so lonely. I  can't escape it and I'm running so fast.
God, where are you? Holy Spirit intercede on my behalf! Help!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Moon

  The moon is large and white
lighting the sacred night.
   She shines steady on through
the gloomy darkened brew.
   Roaming the heavens, a
ghost, hiding in the day.
   Casting shadows on floors,
creeping under the doors.
   Pleasing to my brown eyes,
sail on through the night skies.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spring of Imagination

  Oh, that I could fly on the wings of the night. To see through
the eyes of a storm.
   To rise on the breath of dawn. To seize a bolt of lightning; catch
a moonbeam; ride on the wild, windblown sea.
   To climb the tallest tree and see beyond the horizon. To dance
on a cloud. To be born away by an angel.
   To touch the sky, the moon, the stars, the sun, the clouds. To kiss
the fingertips of God and bless Him above all creation.
   To run with the wild horses, to swim with the fish of the
sea, to glimpse heaven in a child's eyes, to soar on butterfly wings.
   Oh, to do these things and so much more. To live life to the
fullest and never close imagination's door.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Storm

   Curled up in bed, hugging her teddy bear. The lightning
creates a false daylight for a second, thunder shakes the
   She throws the covers over her head and cries. The wind
picks up and the house sighs. Mama and Daddy fighting
across the hall.
   Mama's voice rises and falls like the wind outside the
windowpane. Daddy's voice booms like the angry thunder.
Their voices rise in frightening crescendos.
   The little girl gets out of bed. She gets her little suitcase and
fills it with clothes, dolls and her piggy-bank.
   No one hears her as she opens the door into the rain,
lightning and thunder. She walks down that road and
never looks back.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The End of Forever

   At times I feel as a person tormented by the inner demons
of Hell. Yet I have no demons.
   People say, "You have a gift, a blessing from God," then
why does it feel like a curse?
   I feel so wretched and not myself, as if the 'curse'
could affect my innermost being.
   Dreams of the past, present and future send themselves
through the whirlpool, which is my mind.
   I feel like a specter doomed to roam between this
world and the next. Not being able to find peace and rest.
   The mind plays clever tricks on a person, yet the
mind cannot be supported without help.
   Now comes the end of this dark poem and the end of the
dark time, as light pours through my dark, grim mind.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Lynching

   The blood was pouring like rain over the tree. The branches, weighed down by the thick blood, lowered to the ground. They drooped until they brushed the cold snow, no, stained with blood.
   The blood clung to the leafless branches like a disease. Where was the blood coming from? Where did it end? The icy river moved swiftly past, not daring to look at the gruesome sight. The moon covered herself in dark clouds, shielding her eyes.
   The stars stopped dancing and produced a dull shine. The moon peeked out from behind her cloudy covers and silently wept as she watched the blood covered willow. The moon's tears poured out over the land, changing into a soft down.
   The blood ceased flowing and one last drop, formed like a tear, paused and then slipped off the branch. Falling to the cold, wet, ground, leaving only a mark behind to tell the tale of the blood willow.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Out of the Ashes

   Out of the ashes you will rise.
To fly upon love's true wings, in
God's vast skies.
   From dust you will grow, and
God's wonderful love will begin
to show.
   From heartache and hardship,
God's arms will reach out. He will
hold you and comfort you through
all of it.
   God gave you youth and He
gave you love. Along with that
Satan sends pain and sorrow.
   Out of the ashes you will rise,
like a rose, like an angel, to
dance and sing for God's glory.

Friday, August 3, 2012


(Just a little background on this piece: I wrote this just after 09/11/2001, shortly before my 13th birthday. There was really no way to deal with the tremendous tragedy that I saw happening on the television screen, so I wrote what I felt. And for some reason this is what I got.) 

   I've seen war, I've seen peace.
I've seen sadness, I've seen happiness.
Sometimes I ask myself, why war, why
sadness? But then I realize that we
must have those things to have peace
with God. War with Satan to free myself
from this dark cell. Sadness that I
sin. Happiness that I'm forgiven.
And peace that I live with Him.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Ghost in the Darkness

   Unholy darkness, not even a light can penetrate.
   Walking, running, through the dark. A shadow of myself, a ghost, a spirit thats no longer here. Unknown to any man.
   As agile as a spider, as fragile as it's web.
   Time, an hourglass, sand dropping through. Life itself pouring through the hourglass, like sand. Shadows of history flying through the desert of my mind.
   A shadow of myself takes wing and flies among the specters. Years, minutes, months, hours, time. A dark corner of the sky.
   A black fire burning through my heart. I cringe with fear and pain. A place, a time, a ghost and a fire.
   I realize, all to late, that I'm a ghost in the dark.
   Glowing eyes set in a dark shadow of a face. Hands aglow and burning with the black fire. A red heart beats within the fire, never burning, always beating.
   Clouded in a dark shadow of a cloak that holds within it a power unknown to man.
   The ghost in the dark has come.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Bloody Roses

   My heart is breaking. My body is shaking. Can you
see me? I'm trying to escape this wormhole. I'm not
strong enough to pull free of the chains holding me here.
   The pain pulls me away from my thoughts. Relief
floods over me as blood rises to the surface. My
fingers are bleeding and I'm relaxing. The pain
feels normal and comforting.
   The rain tears at my skin as we speed down the
highway. The cold taunts me as my hand moves in
the wind. My skin feels like it is coming off with the
   My heart pounds as the water rushes by. I want
to jump in, but I'm paralyzed by the fear of what I
long for. The silence around me is screaming. I'm alone.
   No one comes to save me. I'm trapped in the web.
I'm crying now and no one hears. my soul longs for
comfort, but even God seems so distant. When do I
get to wake up from this nightmare?
   I'm closing the door. I sit and pour my heart out.
I feel better, but I need the pain to reassure
myself. Tear at my nails 'til they bleed. The soft
skin rips and blood drips from my fingers.
   Once calm, I dream. I lay in bed and cry. My
innocence floats away as the full realization of
my life takes hold. I get carried out with my
mind's tide. I'm alone and lost.