Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Dragon King: Part Five

In the dark, Kiri could feel, rather than see, the voice of Uduak. Sounds took on physicality and her heart throbbed in time with the words.

"There must be a dreamer."

The shape rising out of the darkness was that of a Dragon.

"Please," she begged, trying to crawl away. "I have only desired to return to my grove."

"There must be a dreamer." replied a chorus. A million eyes opened, lighting the crypt. Hands took hold of her, dragging her toward Uduak. He appeared to be made of stone, a part of the tomb. His onyx eyes seemed to pin her to the ground. Before him lay the fabled Prince of Dreams, Prince of Dragons. The chorus whispered his name in the darkness at the edge of her vision.


The chassis gleamed ivory, beneath the sheen glowed red and blue circuitry. The dead eyes were emerald and, though he was magnificent, he was dull. A shell.

"Awaken, my son." said Uduak, his voice tender. His claws reached out to caress the construct and the eyes suddenly came alive.

Her screams reverberated through out the crypt, sending the waves above into white-capped frenzy and roaring up past the marching faeries.

Faolán looked down into the winding maze of darkness, and shivered.

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