Friday, April 5, 2013

Marriage shouldn't be a War Zone

Maybe I'll never make a difference in this life or the next.
Maybe this will always be the way the world works.
Maybe I'll never do anything to make the people remember me.

When the time comes, however, I want to be able to say I stood up.
I fought for something I believed in.
I pushed as hard as I could for equality, for liberty, for love.
I want to say I did my part, standing on this battlefield.

Isn't it funny? We are all human beings, we are all flesh and blood.
We have different color skin, different eyes, different DNA, but we
are all the SAME.

His heart beats in his chest. Her eyes close in sleep. Their hands
shake, their feet hurt, our hearts ache and our hope soars. We can't
be separated. We are all the same, at the core, at our base component.
We are all HUMAN.

But we let the differences, the beauty of what makes us Unique, divide us.
We let the love and the colors and the beliefs tear us apart.
We try to force others into our boxes, make them think like us, talk like us.
Breathe like us.

Marriage isn't supposed to be a battlefield. A war zone strewn with broken
hearts and broken promises, hands that should be hanging on are severed by
men and women who don't understand love. Who don't believe in two men marrying,
but believe that its okay to marry two or three people over a life time.
Who believe that being faithful is a joke. Who believe they will be forgiven,
but there isn't enough forgiveness for everyone.

I may not be remembered for what I've said or what I've done.
I may never be quoted, I may never be famous. I may never change anything.
Everything may stay stagnant. We may always be drowning in our own filth.

At the end, however, I can say I stood on a battlefield that mattered. I can
say I stepped up to that line and pushed it as far as I could. I raised my voice
rather than keeping quiet.

How many lives have to be lost, how many loves crushed, before we learn?

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