Saturday, April 27, 2013

Awaken September's Gods: IV


Wasn’t that interesting? Lorcan had reacted to Niamh’s leaving with violence and force. The Archivist had never seen an experiment do that. And the read-outs from Niamh, just as she was deactivated, showed high levels of evolved emotions; defiance, hatred, fear. She had never shown evolution in these read-outs before. What part of Lorcan’s forced shut down had produced those?

Deactivating Niamh in the way he did, Lorcan had all but murdered her. He should not have the capability to murder, at least not in that manner. He certainly should not “feel” any emotion strongly enough to produce that reaction.

It was time to bring Lorcan and Niamh back to the Cells. A little experimental torture would now be required to determine the depth of evolution. Once they had the readings necessary for further experimentation the machines would be completely destroyed versus simply being deactivated and reset.

Perhaps, in future experimentation, Lorcan could be recreated and given more sexual curiosity. Though he would have to be castrated first. It was too dangerous to have a fully functional android with sexual awareness. But that would be an experiment for another time.

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