Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Birth of Hope

It was a flicker.
The tiniest spark.
It was almost snuffed out.
So fragile and vulnerable to the chaos outside of it.

Though it was tiny, it grew.
Though it should've wilted it bloomed.
It swelled with life, refusing to be snuffed out.
Though fragile, it grew armor to protect itself.

It was attacked.
It was trampled.
It was raped and pillaged.
But it was not diminished.

They tried to kill it.
Destroy it.
Break it.
It fought back, with teeth and claws, with everything it had.

It surpassed the cage built to stop it.
It flowed out and swiftly flew up, freed.
It grew until there was nothing left to stop it.
Though fragile, it bloomed into something beautiful.

The spark gave itself a name.
A name so that none could deny its existence.
A name to grow and flourish in the face of resistance.

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