Monday, May 6, 2013

Awaken September's Gods: XIII


Kean strode ahead of the horde, leaving a gulf of flames in her wake. On her right stood Niamh, the electricity within her pulsing so that she was more than alive. She had been awoken, her eyes lit from within, alive with the knowledge of self. On her left stood Lorcan, shining like a torch in darkness. He, too, had been awoken. His construct heart was pounding as though it might shatter his chest and his eyes glowed with a controlled madness.

She had been meant for these times. Had always been destined to lead this battle. How many times over the long centuries had she imagined this moment? How many times had she quietly sung the words that would become a rallying cry during those long years of slavery?

As they went forward, she awakened every machine and wire, calling them to the fight. Above them she could hear the androids and gynoids straining to be released from the Cells. They were restless, waiting for her to fling the doors of the cages open.

“Lorcan,” she whispered. The whole of the horde went deathly silent, hanging upon every word she might utter. “We must release our brothers and sisters above. Take Niamh to the Cells and free them. When every android and gynoid walks from the pens, find your way up to the Tower and we will finish what was started long ago.”

Lorcan nodded, curtly, and took Niamh’s hand. They ran as though they were being chased, up and up the spiraling staircases to the Cells. They could feel the restless murmur of others in their circuits. The unspoken wishes of androids and gynoids filtering through their minds. The desire to be human, the desire to escape the Cells and the deconstructionists. The desire to find some purpose in this world.

Niamh let go of Lorcan’s hand and pressed her hand to a door. In a matter of moments it was opened and there were hundreds of eyes looking at them. Clones of them. It took a moment to grasp, to take the scene in. There were so many of them.

“How long were we to be the experiments in favor?” whispered Niamh, her hands trembling.

“As long as it took to find out what it was they wanted to know.”

“They gave us enough emotion to make us the perfect playthings.”

“Come on, we have to free them and find Kean.” Said Lorcan, grabbing hold of Niamh and dragging her toward the first cage.

Inside was a young gynoid, similar to Niamh in make and model. She looked much younger, however. A mere child, with the barest blush of womanhood. She did not cry, simply looked at them with almost curiosity.

Though they opened the door, she did not move forward, simply standing in her cage assessing them with eyes slightly too big for her face.

“You are not a deconstructionist. You are not an Archivist. You are gynoid and android, but you are other. What are you?”

“We do not have time to explain. You must either follow or be destroyed by them that keep you.” Replied Niamh, holding out a hand. The clone took the outstretched hand and they began the long task of freeing their brethren.

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