Friday, January 4, 2013

Sweet Morsel

Your coca-cola kisses still linger on my cotton candy skin.
The violet perfume of your breath glistens on a pale cheek.
The sky is a television on a dead channel, static venom.
An ice cream chill goes through me, glittering like diamonds.

It twirls around my spine, freezing and melting my bones.
You're a forgotten sweet, slowly rotting in bitter silence.
You're a tender feast for the birds, red cinnamon blood.
I could never forget the facade of your lies, spilled rubies.

Those stolen coca-cola kisses linger longer than your face.
Violet perfume echoes and softens against my paling cheek.
I can't change the channel of the sky, watching static arcs.
Your never ending sweetness chills me to the bone.

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