Monday, October 8, 2012

The Forgotten Ocean

   Deep inside of me is a forgotten ocean, one shadowed in
a misty haze of brokenness and empty silence. This ocean is
blue-gray in the darkness of my soul, a thinning slice
of a hopeful moon dancing on slowly rocking waves.
   The gray shadows surround my heart as I sit on the
deserted beach. Silent screams echo across the expanse,
only the ghosts of yesterday remain. Storm clouds gather
together and break apart, never settling.
   I stand alone on this forgotten beach, staring into the
forgotten ocean. Mermaid tears float along the top of
the ever-changing water, they glow in the fading light. I
long to scream.
   I long to use my voice, speak what my broken heart
yearns to set free. Yet, my words remain deep within, hidden
and forgotten like this ocean. Trapped within a cage of my
own devising, I waste away.
   I despise this ocean, this cage, these tears. If set free
I would never return. I would close the gates to this
ocean, throw the keys into the restless waters. I am
only a ghost, caught in waves of reality.
   I open my mouth to speak, but my tongue is chained, my
lips forever sealed. I will not say these words which
bubble over like foam on an empty sea. In a tangle
of words, I write to ease my pain, a forgotten ocean.
    Into the frigid waves I leap, into the arms of an icy
grave. She takes my heart and makes it stone, my breath
is caught. She tucks me under satin waves, closing my
eyes and stealing my will to live.
   An icy lullaby caresses the empty air over a forgotten
ocean. All brokenness is now bound in death. Sweet and
tempered, held secure in strong arms beneath the
forgotten ocean.

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