Monday, January 30, 2012

A Story for Sam

Once upon a time,

There was a young woman who lived in a very small house under the ground. She was terrified of the storms of life that occurred all over the world above her. But she wasn't afraid as long as she stayed in her little house underground.

One day, a storm knocked a hole into the roof of her little house. And one stream of pure white light filtered down to her.
It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She tried to touch it and hold it, but couldn't keep it. And as the days changed, the light began to change too. Darkness encompassed everything, though one strand of light still remained.

Out of desperation to capture the light and hold it forever, she decided to venture out of her house and into the world above. She packed a few clothes; cheese, meat and some bread; a knife and a sheepskin of water. Then ventured forth into the world.

The first thing she encountered outside of her house in the ground was a mouse. He bowed to her, then scurried away. Confused, she followed him. She had never seen such a polite mouse before. "Do they all act like this above my house?" She wondered. She followed him for a very long time, through tall trees, across creeks, over hills and down valleys.

Finally, exhausted she gave up and sat upon a white stone. Noticing that she had stopped following, the mouse returned to her. "Why were you following me, child?" he asked

"Because, I have never seen a mouse bow to me before. And I am new above ground." The mouse studied her for a moment,
then replied, "Well, then I shall show you the world. But you must do me a favor. Be my wife, cook and clean for me and love me. Don't ever leave me for another or I will be very sad and die."

At first, startled, she just stared.

Then she finally said, "I will marry you, be your wife, cook and clean for you and love you. I will never leave you or I too would be very sad."

So, She married the mouse and he showed her the world.

The ceremony was lovely. The bride wore white gossamer and lace and the mouse groom wore a black bark suit with a tiny black hat.

Now, the first place that the mouse showed the girl was a place called America. America scared the young woman. It was busy and bustling. Many people were angry, burning crosses and killing others because of their skin color. She didn't like America very much. It was to full of hate and the storms that she had hidden herself from back in her old home.

The next place he showed her was Africa.

Africa was dark and very hot. The people there had very dark skin, that pleased her. She wished she could have skin like that. But then she saw other's who had pure white skin and she wished to have that skin as well. There were many beautiful animals in Africa. She loved them all and wanted to have one, but the mouse said that it was not yet time for pets.

Next he took her to Europe. There he showed her a mermaid that was frozen in stone and a castle that was haunted by beheaded queens. He took her underground and showed her underground cities. Then he sailed with her down a canal with lovely pieces of art on either side of the water road.

Then he took her through Asia.

The people there had a yellowish skin and ate lots of rice. She loved it very much in Asia. Because of the beautiful cherry blossoms that would float down from the trees and bury the grass in white and red petals.

Then he took her to a place called Antarctica.

It was very cold there, so cold that she almost froze. She had to always hold the mouse very close so that they could stay warm.
There was really nothing but beautiful white and blue ice as far as the eye could see.

Last he took her to a place called Australia.

In Australia, the people had interesting accents and different words for everything. It was in Australia that she met a young man named Xavier.

Xavier had lots of black curly hair that framed his heart-shaped face. And lovely green eyes that sparkled. He was also very smart and he made the young woman feel things she had never felt before.

All the while the mouse watched his wife. He became very lonely, because the young woman began spending more and more time with Xavier and less and less time with the mouse. But He couldn't blame her. He was a mouse and Xavier was a man.
A young woman needed a man, not a mouse.

So, in the middle of the night, the mouse left his wife, asleep, kissing her forehead gently. When the young woman awoke, she realized that the mouse was gone. She became very heartsore and Xavier could not cure her lonesomeness. She knew in her heart that she had hurt the mouse and she wanted him back with her more than anything in the world.

So she began her search for the mouse.

She searched all of Australia with it's strange accents and strange words and strange animals. Calling in the full light of the moon for her beloved mouse.

She then went to Antarctica, clinging to her cloak, and calling for him.

She then went to Asia, with all its beautiful cherry blossoms and its rice and yellow people. Asking everywhere, "Have you seen my mouse husband?"

But no one had seen him.

She traveled to Europe with its haunted castles and water roads and all the beautiful art. But she could still not find him.

She then searched Africa, with its Black and White people, crying endlessly for her mouse husband. She began to fear that he was dead from a broken heart. The broken heart that she had caused.

Lastly she searched America, with its burning crosses and hatred. But still she could not find him.

Finally she went home to her house in the ground, vowing to never leave the house again. Her mouse husband was gone and she would love no other.

For many years she sat alone in her house under the ground, longing for her mouse husband. Longing to hold him close to her again. In her mind she hated herself for what she had done to him. She had not meant to break her promise.

Then one beautiful autumn day, there was a knock on her door.

When she opened it, a handsome young man with brown hair falling about his face was standing there. He had very kind eyes, warm like melted chocolate. He had a very kind smile and the smile lit all the way up to his eyes.

"Miss?" He asked, smiling

"Yes?" she replied

"I have a message for you from your husband."

Jolted she began to cry. Collapsing into the young man's arms. Brushing her hair back, he whispered into her perfect ears.

"Because you loved me, and searched the world for me. I have returned to you. You broke a curse over me. And I have spent this time searching for you as well. I have missed you and loved you with all of my heart." Then he brushed her tears away and kissed her lips.

"I am your mouse husband. Cursed by cruel fate to live as a mouse until I found a woman who would love me enough to search the world for me. And you did."

That day, the mouse/man and the young woman renewed their marriage vows. They lived all over the world and raised many beautiful children who one day ruled those countries and made the world a better place. Because, true love conquers all.

The End

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