Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pineapple soda

She says I need to let it go. There is no closure, no resolution. There is only pain.
And why do I put myself through such hideous agony?

Its because when I miss you I want pineapple soda.
Its because when I think about you my chest tightens.
Its because when I try to forget you, I know that I never can.

He says I need to stop torturing myself with memories. They lead no where.
The past is past. Why do I still let these things linger?

Its because when I miss you I listen to that song on repeat.
Its because when I think about you I lose track of time and tears.
Its because when I try to forgive you, I find I am the one in need of forgiveness.

They say I need to let it go. They say I need to let the past be past. Bi-gone eras be
bi-gone eras. Let everything remain a memory and lock it with the silver key of forgetting.

But I can't forget that you are now somebody that I used to know.
Somebody that I used to love, once upon a time.
And, when I miss you, I want pineapple soda.

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