Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mistress Brightside

You play with my heart like it is a toy, something insignificant.
Churning through the fallacies and the memories,
Drowning in the deceptively calm ocean of your words,
Slipping further and further beneath waves you created.
You play with people like they are toys, something insignificant.

You are a vicious game of cat and mouse, why am I the mouse?
Twisted lullabies lull me to sleep, putrid in their sweetness.
Everything distorts in your wake, once good and now perverse.
I am askew, I am off center, dangling above your wickedness.
You are the cat and I the mouse, why am I always your mouse?

You are destiny, seductive and flirtatious.
You are a distorted synonym, a forgotten noun.
Destiny still calls me, opening my eyes, letting me see.
I am Mistress of my own Fate.

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