Saturday, December 3, 2011

I am who I am

I am quiet. I am loud. I am scared and I am courageous. I
am of the best and worst parts of Marilyn Monroe and
Edgar Allan Poe. I am dying from the human condition. But
I'm not dead yet! I have a soul and a mind. I am filled
with pains and joys. Loves and hates. I am destined to be
tragic. But that doesn't mean I can't be amazing while I'm
here. I have a heart and an imagination. I am of the Earth
and people of the Earth. I am made of music and dancing.
Light and darkness. I am a contradiction. But that doesn't
mean that I can't be one or the other. I have loved and
been loved.

I have lived a thousand years in 19. I have seen all there
might be to see that is evil in this world. But I'm
hanging on for the beauty. I love guns. I hate violence. I
love poetry and I hate prejudice. I am of poetry and clear
dark oceans that drag you down to the depths of satin
waves. I have seen the stars through a child's eyes. I
have lived in my skin. And I have known what it was like to
be loved. I dream. And I live for the future as I gaze back to my past.

I have been hurt, abused, abandoned and used. But I am not
broken. I may be bruised from life's many hardships, but
my soul remains unbroken by it. I am invisible and
apparent. I can sing and scream and dance. I have thoughts
and ideas. I am not just a body, but a soul unchained within a
mortal frame. I will never be perfection. I never
claim to be brillant or beautiful. But each of us is
beautiful in our own way. I am wrong sometimes. And right
other times. I have hopes and wants and desires.

I am of the wind, restless and powerful. Just look into my
eyes. I am made of the best parts of light and darkness.
Within them I am completely safe. I am alive and live
is what I intend to do with my life. I am of ice and fire.
A dangerous and chaotic marriage of the two. I can be
hateful, selfish and impatient. I can also be loving, tender
and sweet. I bear the scars of life proudly.
They are a part of me and always will be. I'm strange and
wild. Calm and sometimes wise. I can show you worlds you
didn't know existed. All you have to do is open your eyes!

I am violent and gentle. A strange mixture of course.  I
am intelligent and dumb. I am of the ocean, lightning and
thunder. I am of the wind, the sun and moon, stars and
clouds. I am of the atmosphere that surrounds us. Embraced
by what can not be seen. Drowning, I have stood in the
light of a new born sun. Breathless, I have stood in the
courts of the moon and her lovers. I have seen the future
and I have known the past. I live for today. I am
outspoken and stubborn. Opinionated and sometimes

And I am patiently waiting for whomever can love me for
all these things and more.

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